
Supporting Green Map is a great way to help communities thrive, all over the world.

Thank you for supporting local leadership and capacity building that contributes to community well-being. In supporting Green Map System, you generate new opportunities for our home planet. Your tax-deductible contribution will ensure we can maximize this potential. Or, subscribe to the Platform to support its development.

Green Map System is

Our Supporters and individual donors make a world of difference. Please contribute today. All amounts are welcome and will be acknowledged.

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Make a Direct Donation Online or by Mail

Green Map System, Inc. is a US 501c3 non-profit organization (EIN # 13-4062364). All contributions from US donors are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. Donations and grants are welcome from anywhere in the world.

Matching Gifts: Double your donation! Check with your company's personnel office to determine if your employer has a matching gift program, and send the form to us with your gift. Your company may automatically match contributions made through our Global Giving page.

Become a Sponsor: Interested in partnering to support the Green Map movement more significantly? Please get in touch with us.

Prefer to give by mail? Please send checks or money orders payable to Green Map System to:

Green Map System

292 East 3rd Street # 1A (by appointment)

New York, NY USA 10009

Email: info [at]

Telephone: +1 212 674 1631

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