Dominica Williamson

Advisor, Mapmaker

Dominica is a freelance artist called Ecogeographer, working in the field of multidisciplinary design and sustainability in Cornwall UK

She is most inspired when working outside, and when looking at how communities view landscape and cope with change. For instance, she has co-created visual research methods for the project Coral Communities and Ruritage. She is currently co-developing a Cornish (U.K.) pilgrimage project near her home. In the past, she has used Green Map Icons to co-create heritage walking maps. This time she is interested in working with Green Map's Recovery Icons and the post Brexit farmland of the U.K.  

Dominica was the design director for the 2004 Green Map Atlas. After this experience her final masters project was completed and published in 2009 in Rethinking Maps: New Frontiers in Cartographic Theory, London: Routledge, which cites Green Map System as a key influence in the research.

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